Embracing Movement

This winter has been mild and full of sunny days. With the break in weather comes fresh breezes, green things budding early, and the ability to get outside and sit in the sun. The weather has provided ample opportunity for getting out of doors and getting active, which has really pressed fast forward towards spring. The promise of spring – even here in the depths of winter can inspire new beginnings and ideas. The freshness of the days, the openness has encouraged me to embrace movement. 

Instead of hibernation and rest, I am feeling called to activate and explore. I am not fixating on the cold or feeling the cramp of tense muscles. I am relaxed, I am going to yoga and moving. As Newton’s Laws of Motion teach us, “An object in motion stays in motion.” Therefore my only offering today is to simply get up and move. You don’t need to move mountains or set some new record. All we have to do is start and let momentum carry us forward. We deserve to feel the pleasure of coasting downhill and the only way to get there is to first walk uphill. Even a small step forward can give us all the encouragement we need to glide ahead. 

This isn’t an exercise blog – there are plenty of amazing resources for that! But I would encourage you to nourish your whole self. Mind, body, and spirit work together to support one another and keep us strong. Take care of your whole self and start wherever you feel most ready. Embrace movement and start with whatever is easiest – because complexity is not the point. The point is to begin. 

What do you do for fun that keeps you active? Are there winter sports you prefer or are you a summer activity person?

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